April 11, 1891


Mr. S. Peck is able to be around again.

Prof. J. I. Sears, of Cary, was here Monday.

For anything in the line of job printing, such as statements, bill heads, letter heads, envelopes, auction bill and invitations, in fact anything in the line of printing, call at this office, all work done on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable.

For Sale or Rent, C.J. Dodge's house. Address M.W. Dodge, Barrington, Ills.

The village election will occur Tuesday, April 21st, there is to be elected a president, four trustees and a clerk. This election is an important one, and good men should be selected.

Cross walks to connect with the new sidewalks built last fall, should be built at once. It is not reasonable to insist on property owners to build sidewalks and then keep them without cross walks for several months.

Miss Henry, of Chicago, was the guest of friends here last Sunday.

Mr. D. Pierce and Mrs. L. Goodell were married Saturday, March 28, at the residence of Mr. Newton Knox, by the Rev. E.A. Ott, pastor of the disciple church, of which they are both members.

The office of our printer was a busy place on Monday and Tuesday. Election tickets were in demand, but as usual the demand was supplied by tickets.

Miss Maude returned to Carpentersville Thursday.

We printed the invitations for the marriage of Dr. D.H. Richardson to Miss Emma Landwer, to occur at the home of the brides parents, Wednesday, April 15, 1891.

Mrs. Geo. Robinson, of Elgin, has been visiting her father, Mr. Applebee.

Miss Bertha Seebert, who has been visiting friends at Cary, is at home again.

The election Tuesday was a remarkably quiet affair, the only genuine opposition being in the Town of Cuba, for road Commissioner, Mr. Paris Sinnett defeating Mr. Henry Gieske, by a majority of 3 votes.

Mrs. J. Collen, of Crystal Lake, has been assisting in taking care of Mrs. Wm. Collen who has been quite sick.

Myrtle Comstock has been sick with the scarlet fever.

Rev. Wells subject for Sunday evening at the M.E. church will be "The independent man".

Mrs. Leroy Powers, delegate to Decatre for the W.R.C. was unable to attend on account of the illness of Mr. Powers.

Mr. H.H. Harnden went to Winda on business, Wednesday.

Mr. Eli Abbs has been visiting friends here during the past week.

We have received a letter from John Jackson, a former resident of this place. He is at Friana, Alabama, and thinks he will return to Barrington during the month of May.

Election passed off very quietly in the town of Barrington. E.R. Clark was elected Supervisor; Leroy Powers, Town Clerk; J.W. Kingsley, Assessor; John Collen, Collector; E.D. Prouty, Road Commissioner; G.H. Landwer, School Trustee.

In the town of Cuba the following offices were elected, Henry Kampert Jr., Town Clerk; Charles Davlin, Assessor; John C. Meier, Collector; Paris Sinnett, Road Commissioner; John Gale, Justice of the Peace; John C. Meier, Constable.

Mr. C.S. Church, of Elgin, has been in town during the past week and left his subscription for this paper.

Dr. D.H. Richardson has purchased Dr. D.A. Smith's residence. Consideration $2500.

We printed 3500 election tickets for the towns of Barrington and Cuba.

Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Kingsley have issued invitations for a golden wedding to occur at their residence in Barrington, Wednesday, April 22nd, 1891.

W. H. Harrower has been spending a short time at home during the past week. He will attend the State Normal School at Bloomington.

Prof. W.H. Strayer, of Wauconda, called at Mr. LE. Runyan's Monday.

I.M. Mallony, editor of the Nunda Herald, was in town Monday.